Enhancing Values
The need for Enhancing Values
Currently, limiting values such as fear, anxiety, greed, envy, excessive materialism, selfishness, jealousy and disrespect have led to what IVET’s founder, Dr. Neil Hawkes, calls ‘peacelessness’ which results in the distress we see in countries around the world. That is why humanity is facing existential problems such as: civil unrest, climate change, a lack of ethical leadership, inequality, racism, the rise of exclusive nationalism and the disregard for the legitimate needs of others.
The living of enhancing values such as respect, trust, empathy, honesty, compassion, justice and altruism create peace, both in the individual and society, leading to cultural transformation. We can all unite by respecting the beliefs of others, social customs, uniting together as a world family, using universal enhancing human values, which have the power to create a new dynamic global narrative for humanity. Unity and peace can be achieved because such values are the essence of human nature and underpin all the main religious and non-religious humanitarian groups.
The IVET Foundation supports individuals and groups who embrace enhancing human values, such as Lottie Grenland who wrote the following blog about the values-based approach of dental health care.
The Value-based Approach of Dental Health Care - Lottie Greenland
Oral diseases are preventable but they continue to pose a significant health burden to many countries, as they cause pain, disfigurement, discomfort, and death. According to the World Health Organization, oral diseases affect 3.5 billion people globally. Brushing and flossing daily helps keep bacteria at bay, preventing serious dental infections, gum diseases, and tooth decay. However, you need to go for regular dental checkups to enhance your oral and general health. During check-up, your dentist will examine your oral health to identify underlying diseases and provide the best treatment care.
While conventional dental practices have been effective, today’s dentists are embracing values-based care. Unlike evidence-based practices that focus on performing complex dental procedures without providing preventative measures, value-based care focuses on quality outcomes, prevention-focused and less invasive procedures. To make the most of this innovative practice, dental experts must learn how to start value-based education in dentistry. Read on to understand the value-based approach of dental health care.
Factors Driving the Shift to Values-based Dental Care
There has been an increasing push for dentists to transition from evidence-based or fee-for-service reimbursement practices to values-based care in recent years. Compared with conventional dental care practices, value-based methodologies reward the quality of outcomes, not quantity. Typically, this approach encourages prevention and personalization in dental care.
There are several factors driving the adoption of values-based dental care. This includes increasing demand for lower dental care fees, the need for high-quality services and outcomes, and less waste in dental clinics. However, for this method to work, dentists must redesign the oral healthcare system and integrate innovative technology in dentistry.
Benefits of Values-based Education in Dentistry
A values-based dental care model aligns the system of care, the patient, the dental professional, and the community. As a result, dental health care providers and patients achieve satisfactory outcomes at a lower cost. Successful values-based designs in dentistry focus on prevention, less invasive procedures, and the equitable distribution of resources to minimize waste. Dentists who implement values-based care in their practice integrate data, provide care across the continuum, and various personalized processes, like teledentistry.
Training dentists on the importance of values-based care helps create a model that focuses on preventing dental diseases and improving the patient’s health. For example, when patients learn what causes soft teeth and the best ways to strengthen teeth, they can lead a healthy lifestyle. It’s worth noting poor nutrition, infections, tooth decay, acid reflux, and bacteria from poor oral hygiene are top causes of soft teeth. To keep your teeth strong, maintain a healthy diet, prioritize good oral hygiene, and visit the dentist regularly. The payment options value-based care support is also beneficial, as it allows dental care providers and insurance companies to maintain a steady revenue stream for patients.
How Values-based Care Works in Dental Clinics
Like many people, you're probably wondering how values-based care works in dental clinics? It's worth noting that values-based dental care isn’t a one-size-fits-all or a copy and paste model. The designs of values-based dental care vary depending on the goals and administration of the program, and additional clinical and administrative time. Also, dentists who understand the differences in value-based care make informed decisions about their practice.
By implementing a values-based program, your dental office or clinic agrees to take responsibility for a specific group of patients. You'll also be changing care patterns from restorative to preventative, while promoting sustainability. Through this transition, dentists can lower the cost of care and enhance patients’ health. Not to mention, a value-based care program reduces the gap between the demand for dental services and the ability to offer those services.
Dentists play a crucial role in ensuring you maintain good oral health. And to enhance the quality of care for patients, dentists have adopted value-based care. Values-based care ensures patients receive preventative dental care rather than multiple invasive procedures. This model also guarantees low costs and less waste, thus promoting sustainability in dentistry.