The IVET Foundation
A message to you from IVET's founder Dr. Neil Hawkes
"I am sending this personal message to you at an unprecedented time of national and international anxiety, which is affecting the wellbeing of so many people throughout the world. Humanity is facing so many complex challenges: a lack of ethical leadership, war, existential threats from nature, overwhelming feelings of anxiety and helplessness. Globally, people are crying out for meaningful solutions.
We all need to feel that there is HOPE and that real ACTION is taking place to deal with the complex issues we are facing. I am acutely aware that there are many individuals and organisations that are giving us reasons for optimism. The IVET Foundation, is connecting such values-based change-makers to support constructive action. They are known as IVET Affiliates who collectively are a movement for transformational change. In their own work and lives they are driven by human values such as integrity, justice and compassion, which makes them known as ethical leaders. They, like me, are placing Values-based Living (VbL) at the heart of their lives.
Please consider joining us as an Affiliate. You can read about our purpose, vision, mission and goal below"
The United Nations
Dr Hawkes was given the honour of representing the IVET Foundation at the United Nations in Geneva. He spoke about the transformational power of values-based ethical leadership in education and business.
The session organised by the United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR) and its partner Arrowad focussed on the need for ethical leadership in a multi-crises world.
IVET’s Purpose – why it exists
In 1995, whilst he was enjoying being a Headteacher, at the world’s first explicitly values-based school in Oxfordshire, Neil Hawkes was inspired to found the International Values Trust (IVET) – a charity now known as the IVET Foundation. IVET is independent of any political, religious, economic or social influence, being open to all who share IVET's Values.
Its initial purpose was to inspire schools and other settings to adopt Values-based Education (VbE). His research at Oxford University had shown that VbE creates a culture that develops quality education, based on understanding the transformational power of learning about, and living, universal enhancing human values, such as respect, integrity, care, humility, trust, peace, love and compassion. To see the range and depth of VbE's impact on education please visit
IVET’s Mission – what we do
Our mission has been, and continues to be, to bring Values-based Education (VbE) to all schools, colleges and other settings. The IVET Foundation is delighted that VbE is now such a tremendous global success, with thousands of young people benefiting from its profound life-enhancing culture and curriculum.
In recent years IVET has continued to widen its mission, by influencing the adoption in society of Values-based Living (VbL), with a specific focus on the development of Values-based Leadership (ethical leadership), at all levels in society.
IVET’s Vision – where we are going
IVET’s Vision – where we are going
Our Foundation’s vision is connectivity - to create a transformative network of people who, through their lives and work, are transforming organisations and systems at all levels of society towards values-centric ways of thinking and behaving. There is a realisation that as a specie we must change if we are to ensure our survival.
To this end, the Foundation is attracting, as Affiliates, incredible people from all walks of life who model, both in their personal and professional lives, universal enhancing human values such as integrity, humility, trust, care, empathy, equality and compassion. As Values-based leaders, they are keen to be known as Affiliates of IVET. You can see who our esteemed Affiliates by clicking our Directory of Affiliates here for those with a family name in the range A-L, and here for those Affiliates with family name in the range M-Z.
IVET's Goal - Action
IVET’s goal, is that through its network, we help people to enhance their ways of being and relating. To awaken in them a sense of having a unique place in the world, as a special creative spark of living energy, that is part of an awe-inspiring macro-system we call universe.
By having greater awareness about how the interaction of our thoughts, minds and experience create our reality, we can work together to re-establish, through our values, a positive relationship with ourselves, each other and the natural world.
May we invite you to share the good news about IVET to people in your sphere of influence – home, work and recreation. Let them know how IVET’s influence on education and society is having profound effects for enhancing lives and institutions.
Most importantly, share with them that their influence and actions in support of IVET would be, in our opinion, the key to influencing our political and social leaders to establish new holistic values-based ways of solving the great and complex issues challenging our very survival.
Ways you can help IVET’s Mission?
The IVET Foundation, which is a charity, appeals to you for your personal support to ensure its continued success.
1. Consider being one of our Affiliates
2. Recommend to others that they become Affiliates
3. Offer your time and, or talent to the Foundation – even a few minutes a month would be an amazing help
4. Be associated with our work by donating, so that we can expand our influence and financially support of transformational values projects. You will receive a certificate of appreciation for every donation.
An invitation from our founder Neil Hawkes:
"May I invite you to become an Affiliate of the IVET Foundation? Before making your decision, you may care to read about the amazing contributions our Affiiates are making to create a better world. Go to News from Affiliates and to the Directory of Affiliates.
Also, see the life-enhancing changes we are making in Education by visiting or more generally by reading my blog and about my mission
How to become an Affiliate? Click here and follow the simple process.
I'm so encouraged when I see the incredible changes that are happening at all levels of society through the lives of our Affiliates.”
Dr Neil Hawkes
Jane Hawkes, Trustee of the IVET Foundation, reflecting on the beauty of the Mou Waho Reserve in New Zealand. She was considering how natural areas can be sustained and others regenerated through values-based leadership and stewardship.