About IVET

Trustees and Patrons

The International Values-based Education Trust, known as the IVET Foundation, is a UK registered charity. 

Reg No: 1159650

It is completely independent of any social, political or religious organisation.

Meet our Trustees:

Dr Neil Hawkes Founder

Neil's vision is of a world where humanity lives in harmony with itself and the natural world.

Bridget Knight 

Bridget is the CEO of Values-based Education (VbE), IVET's major transformational Education Philosophy and practices.

Sue Jones 

Sue is the Senior Adviser for Values-based Education (VbE) having been an experienced headteacher.

Jane Hawkes

Jane  is a presenter of Values-based Living, based on her work globally as a psychotherapist .


The IVET Foundation is fortuate to have a group of Patrons who are outstanding both professionally and personally.  They are such excellent role models for values-based living.

Meet our Patrons

Professor Mick Waters

Global adviser to national governments on education and social development.

Professor Ruth Crick

Professor of Learning Analytics and Educational Leadership 

Professor Bart McGettrict

Emeritus Professor of Education and Dean Emeritus, of the Faculty of Education at the University of Glasgow.  

Sir John Jones

Outstanding educator, presenter and former secondary school headteacher.

Professor Richard Pring

Emeritus Director of the Education

Department at Oxford University.

Professor Mark Chater

 Professor of Worldviews Education,                   University of Cumbria.

Dr. Gladson Chickwa

Passionate about institutional learning.  Worked in Chna, Oman and Zimbabwe before joining Manchester Metropolitan University.

Andrei Stupu

Amazing young  entrepreneur based in Romania.  A polymath passionate about values and ethical intelligence. A Fulbright Doctoral Researcher at Harvard University.

Dr. Tessa Willy

Highly experienced teacher educator, currently working at University College, London with teaching experience in Malawi and the UK.

Why are Patron's involved with the IVET Foundation?

Professor McGettrict told us...

"This Trust is a focal point for those who wish to share contemporary thinking and engage in discussion about the centrality of values in education and in a caring society.  The promotion of education which is inspired by a sense of love for "the other"; the conviction of a society of hope; and striving for justice in the world will provide a strategic framework for all who are concerned with social change.  The activities of this trust advance this mission, and provides support for all who are committed to this vision of a better world through improving the life chances of young people." 

Professor Ruth Crick says...

"More than ever before we need to re-learn how to design for, facilitate and reward those distinctive intelligences which makes us more fully human – meaning making, purpose, relationships, ethical discernment, intuition, and imagination. ThiIn the age of artificial intelligence, that which makes us distinctively human should form the overall purpose of education. And this does not have to be at the expense of evidence and reason because human rationality and evidence are servants not kings. Redressing this balance across all our social and political systems is a pressing challenge and one which IVET is successfully leaning into, creating a global movement for human centric strategic change."

Professor Mark Chater told us...

"Of course children need to grow up with values, and of course society needs living values which grow and evolve with the children. Society is not a grown-up place at the moment. Playground retaliation in the middle east, online bullying, political leaders cheating, lying and complaining when found out: where are the role models, where is the honest discourse about how we live? Thankfully, IVET and its affiliates are providing spaces where values can be explored with integrity, where wisdom, compassion, balance, self-control and courage, along with many other values, can be taught, modelled and developed. Values can become habits. Habits can become destinies. This is important work. If ever we are tempted to despair, we need to remember that this is happening day after day in our values-based schools, and increasingly in companies, skilfully led, building little by little. Let's have more!"

Dr. Gladson Chickwa's insights...

"It is with great pleasure that I align myself with this Trust, a beacon I am convinced serves as a driving force for inspiring a positive change globally. The IVET Foundation distinguishes itself as an agent of significant transformation in today's world through its commitment to universal values like social justice and integrity. In my role as a Patron of IVET, I am dedicated to furthering the Trust's objectives by nurturing ethical leadership and advocating for a dedication to values-based living".

Andrei Stupu's passion...

"The IVET Foundation, is the pioneering global movement, promoting the principles of Values-Based Living. It is an embodiment of transformative change. I believe, that by joining the IVET Foundation, you're endorsing a movement that transcends conventional philanthropy; you're endorsing an investment in humanity's future. Committed to offering equitable access to values-based living through systemic interventions in education, communities, businesses all over the globe, IVET epitomizes the ethos of Values-based Living. Your support, whether through active involvement or financial contributions, directly shapes lives, fostering self-reliance and enabling individuals to construct sustainable futures. Partnering with IVET means advocating for a paradigm shift, enriching lives through instilling values, and fostering an environment where every individual can thrive and contribute positively to society. As a Patron of IVET I feel empowered to bring change through a scientifically validated method that has a beating heart. The beating heart of education and of society!"

Tessa Willy says the IVET Foundation is in'value'able...

"Working in an educational system where we have an increasingly knowledge rich curriculum, the importance of embedding values in children’s holistic education and understanding cannot be overstated.  Through enabling the adoption of Values-based Education (VbE) and the provision of accessible and effective resources, the IVET Foundation proves to be a crucial support for pre-service and practising teachers and school leaders in the work that they do with young people. As a teacher educator of both pre-service and practising teachers, the IVET Foundation is not just ‘value’able, but in’value’able in my practice in a time of such uncertainty. "