
Podcasts... insights into Values-based Education and Living

Below you will be able to access inspiring short podcasts, featuring some of our amazing Affiliates in conversation with Neil Hawkes.  They showcase how our Affilliates are living a Values-based Life, both personally and professionally.  They are full of practical life-enhancing ideas, which will help you and others to live an authentic values-based life. 

Professor Terry Lovat

This is an powerful, mind changing  interview between Neil Hawkes and IVET Affiliate Professor Terry Lovat, whose research into the impact of Values-baased Education is changing the way schooling is conceived.  



Prof Terry Lovat - University of Johannesburg (uj.ac.za)

Terry refers to his article about  Jurgen Habermas: 

Education’s Increasingly Recognized Hero. Please contact Neil if you would like a copy. dr.neilhawkes@gmail.com 

Sharon Parris Chambers GMT20241025-150132_Recording_gvo_1280x720.mov

Sharon Parris Chambers

This is an wonderful interview between Neil Hawkes and the inspirational Sharon Parris Chambers who lives in Jamaica. Sharon is an influential change maker who models living her values.

David Bartlett

This is an interview between Neil Hawkes and inspirational leader David Bartlett who is an expert in helping children with special educationl needs.  He founded a remarkable school in the UK that is recognised to be truly outstanding. 

Professor Mark Williams
Cognitive Neuroscientist

Mark is an internationally recognised neuroscience professor, based in Australia.  He has worked globally with thousands of adults and students.  He is consulted by company professionals and increasingly by politicians who are worried about the fate of humanity. 

Mark challenges us to understand how our brains are wired to help us collaborate. He is a great advocate for values-based living as promoted by the IVET Foundation.

Here is the link to the interview with Professor Mark Williams:

Tim Amaral

Tim is an award-winning adult educator and teacher trainer from Salinas, USA. He specialises in the teaching and application of trauma-informed practices, social-emotional skills and needs-based responsiveness, for use in the classroom, workplace, and home. He is the creator of the SELf-Led Learning model. 

Tim inspires educators to change their practices!

Here is the link to Tim's talk if you need to copy it: